Education in International Industrial Entrepreneurship
Current calls
Scholarships for studies in international industrial entrepreneurship (in Swedish)
The application period begins March 20.
Show guidelines
Stiftelsen beviljar stipendier för masterstudier i utlandet omfattande minst ett läsår inom internationellt industriellt företagande. I de fall utbildningen är längre än ett år och stipendium söks för hela perioden ska ansökan omfatta hela studieperioden. Stipendium beviljas som längst i två år.
Studierna ska vara inriktade mot industriellt företagande och kan omfatta samtliga ämnesområden.
Stipendier för pågående eller avslutade studier beviljas inte, inte heller svensk utbildning eller praktik under pågående svensk utbildning.
Vem kan söka?
Stipendiet är öppet att söka för svenska medborgare med akademisk grundexamen och ett par års erfarenhet från näringsliv och/eller offentlig förvaltning.
Stipendium delas i första hand ut till två kategorier av sökande:
Stipendium delas i första hand ut till personer med avklarad svensk akademisk grundexamen (universitet/högskola) som vid utländsk läroanstalt vill studera på masternivå. Arbetslivserfarenhet anses värdefullt. Studierna ska avse minst ett år sammanhängande utbildning utomlands.
Personer som är engagerade i eget företagande och vill förkovra sig inom sin bransch genom specialstudier av något slag utomlands.
Stipendium beviljas inte för praktiktjänstgöring (t.ex. vid EU-kommissionen), för arbete med examensarbete eller för studieresor med studentgrupper. Stipendium beviljas heller inte för att studera kortare tid utomlands inom ramen för grundutbildningen vid svenskt universitet eller svensk högskola.
Vid ansökan för flerårig utbildning ska ansökan omfatta hela studieperioden.
Guide till aktuella universitet
Ansökningsperioden startar den 20 mars. Sista ansökningsdag den 20 april fram till klockan 13.00.
Ansökans utformning
Stiftelsen använder ett elektroniskt ansökningsförfarande. I ansökningsportalen anges de uppgifter och bilagor som är obligatoriska. Det är viktigt att ansökan är utförlig och komplett för att en korrekt handläggning ska kunna äga rum. Ofullständiga ansökningar behandlas ej.
Beslut avseende både beviljade och avslagna ansökningar meddelas sökanden i direkt anslutning till Stiftelsens styrelsesammanträde.
Beviljade stipendier publiceras på Stiftelsens hemsida.
För information om Stiftelsens behandling av personuppgifter se Stiftelsens integritetspolicy
Postdoctoral scholarship program at Georgetown University
Postdoctoral scholarship program at Georgetown University for one to two years.
The application period begins October 18.
Show guidelines
Dr. Tech. Marcus Wallenberg Foundation for Education in International Industrial Entrepreneurship (“the Foundation”) has established a postdoctoral scholarship program at Georgetown University. The purpose of the program is to bring outstanding young Swedish scholars to Georgetown University for one to two years of postdoctoral study and research.
The program is open to all disciplines relating to international affairs and global business broadly defined.
The Postdoctoral Fellows are given the opportunity to participate in a broad range of interdisciplinary activities and programs that characterize Georgetown’s approach to research and education.
After completing their postdoc visit at Georgetown, the Scholars will be supported upon their return to Sweden and use their experience from Georgetown for the benefit of Sweden.
The Fellowship is to be housed in the Walsh School of Foreign Service and/or the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University. The applicant must contact a faculty member at the school in which the applicant seeks a postdoc position. The applicant is required to submit a well-thought-out research proposal with clear deliverables together with a support letter from previous supervisor(s) at Swedish universities as well as a detailed invitation letter from the proposed Georgetown faculty host.
Criteria and Conditions
The Foundation invites applicants for postdoctoral stipends at all departments at Georgetown University.
At the time the postdoc period starts, the applicants should have a doctor's degree from a Swedish University not older than 2 years after the dissertation date as well as a connection to a Swedish University or corresponding non-profit research organization. Scientific merit, adjusted to the applicant's age, will be an important factor in the assessment process.
The applicant cannot be employed/Scholar at the intended host/University prior to the Wallenberg post-doc.
The Stipend cannot be combined with other stipends or positions.
The Stipend is for a period of up to two years of postdoctoral studies. The Stipend amounts to approximately USD 65,000 annually (the final amount will be set in accordance with the standard rate of each institution). A travel grant of USD 7,500 per year and an annual allowance for accompanying family members of USD 15,000 is also provided. The latter must be applied for separately in a direct request to the Foundation.
The Fellows are eligible for benefits available to non-employee postdoctoral fellows at Georgetown University with costs covered by the Foundation. Following the postdoctoral studies there is an opportunity to receive funding from the Foundation to support a research position at a Swedish university for up to two years if the applicant cannot find another position. After each year, during the whole period a progress report shall be prepared and sent to the Foundation.
A complete application should contain the applicant’s date of PhD dissertation, CV and include a list of publications, a short personal letter (max 1 A4 page or 3 500 characters incl. spaces) a brief description of the proposed research program and a description of the research profile of the intended host and supervisor (max 6 A4 pages, 21 000 characters incl. spaces).
A letter of invitation from the intended host should be submitted with the application (Other appendices). If the applicant has not passed the doctorate exam at the time of the application, a letter from the supervising professor should be submitted, in which the actual date for the exam is stated (Other appendices).
Each applicant should ensure that two separate letters of recommendation with comments on the research program are submitted with the e-application. Please note that a budget form is not required since the amount applied for is fixed. Instead submit a document, indicating if you intend to apply for the Accompanying family member allowance.
The application shall be written in English.
Application period
The application period starts on October 18th and the deadline for the application is November 15 at 1:00 pm.
The Foundation uses an electronic application system. Please read the instructions for the e-application.
A list of successful applicants will be published on the website in late Spring.
Contacts at Georgetown University
Georgetown University webpage for the Wallenberg Postdoctoral Scholarship Program
Georgetown University webpage